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Saturday 17 October 2015


The ideal partner perceives their mate on both an intellectual, observational level and an emotional, intuitive level. This person is able to both understand and empathize with his or her partner. When two people in a couple understand each other, they become aware of the commonalities that exist between them and also recognize and appreciate their differences. When both partners are empathetic, that is, capable of communicating with feeling and with respect for the other person's wants attitudes, and values, each partner feels understood and validated. Developing our ability to be empathetic helps us understand and attune to our partner.

“Empathy is truly the heart of the relationship,” said Carin Goldstein, a licensed marriage and family therapist.
“Without it, the relationship will struggle to survive.” That’s because empathy requires compassion. And, without compassion, couples can’t develop a bond.

This is how one can enhance empathy:
  1. Give your partner genuine attention.
  2. Practice loving-kindness.
  3. Be self compassionate.
  4. Seek out the positive.